
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Light of Peace in San Enrique: The Story Unfolds

The challenges were met head on. People can work together for peace despite the differences. It was unity in diversity.

San Enrique is a very tiny municipality in the central part of Panay Island in the Philippines. It has a rustic charm. What's funny is that there are many Ilonggos or  people from Iloilo who do not even

Monday, August 24, 2015

Light of Peace in San Enrique: How to Join

Saturday, August 26, 2015, will be a very big day for the people of San Enrique, a tiny municipality in the province of Iloilo. The Light of Peace in San Enrique will finally happen. For those who would like to know how to become a part of it, just read on.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Light of Peace in San Enrique: The Road to Inner Peace Town

Students and parents meditate in Catan-agan Elementary School
(Photo Credit: MMI)
What does it take to create an Inner Peace Town? Or some would even change the question and ask if it is possible to have one. After working with the people of San Enrique in the Province of Iloilo for about a couple of months already I can truly say that it is possible albeit challenging.

Leaders from the Church, San Enrique Local Government Unit, Academe, Barangays
and MMI light candles to celebrate the 10,000 Brightness

Challenges. Now that was a very common thing  encountered in the course of  the project and even now that the Light of Peace in San Enrique is fast approaching. Yes, there were a lot of challenges

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Light of Peace in San Enrique: The Beginning

It may be fate or destiny. Hon. Ramona Go, the Mayor of San Enrique, calls it providential. I am referring to the first meeting of Mayor Go and the Director of Middle Way Meditation Institute - Iloilo (MMI), Ven. Burin Thitakusalu. I have heard the story told several times but I also would like to share it with those who do not have an inkling about it.

I first heard about it from Ven. Burin himself. It was when we were choosing the schools to be included in the list of model schools for the Inner Peace Leader Philippines Project. He wanted to include San Enrique Central School which is a small one unlike the other schools which are quite big in terms of area and population. He said he knew personally the Mayor in this tiny municipality in the Province of Iloilo. He then proceeded to narrate how he was approached by Mayor Go in the airport

Lighting Up San Enrique

It was only last year when I got to have a chance to join the Light of Peace in the Philippines and that started the ball rolling. After that I told myself that I won't miss the next ones and that's exactly what I am doing right now - getting involved in another Light of Peace in the Philippines event. How different is this though from the previous ones?